Research Activities

Through this program, the students will gain hands-on experience with state-of-the-art tools and models. For example, the students will collect video frames and annotate each frame with a certain class label. They will then use the collected and annotated data to train AI models such as YOLOv5, Faster RCNN and DeepSORT. Regarding the object modeling, the students will use Blender and Maya for 3D modeling, rigging, and animation. For the simulator development, the students will learn how to embed the designed 3D models into a simulator within Unity 3D game engine. In addition to the hands-on experience, participating in this REU program is a great confidence builder for the students and helps them gain new insight into the research field.


Principal Investigator

The project is led by Dr. Tam Nguyen, Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Dayton. See his profile at Google Scholar, or LinkedIn.

Tam Nguyen


Vision and Mixed Reality Lab

Jessie S. Hathcock Hall, Room 140
Department of Computer Science
University of Dayton
300 College Park Ave
Dayton, OH 45469
Email: tamnguyen@udayton[dot]edu
Phone: +1 937-229-3893

Latest Update: May 2022.